Lives and works in Amsterdam, since her return from 27 years of social development and humanitarian assistance in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East.
2023                No Condition Permanent
18 March – 16 April   Hedendaagse Kunst Kabinet  s’Hertogenbosch
2022 – 2023
25 October – May    2023  Le Boule d’Or  Moulis en Medoc  France
2018                  No Condition Permanent
 4 January – 4 March     Coffee Shots Store, Amsterdam
2017                      No Condition Permanent     
 15 February – 15 May         de Gouden Reael, Amsterdam
  1 October – 31 December  Pantheon Photo Gallery  Amsterdam
2024              Ateliers XYW
23 juni Open dag workshops
14-16  June Vrij Paleis Amsterdam
2023.              Ateliers XYW 
27-29 May    Open Ateliers Westelijke Eilanden
2022               Amsterdam pop-up Print Gallery – Grafiek Platform Amsterdam Edition #2
8-25 September NDSM fuse Amsterdam
2022               Amusetour Twisk
12 June           Hornderweg Twisk
10-13 Februari 2022 Jam session Hilton Rotterdam
2021                Ateliers XYW
8-10 October 2021  Open atelier Stichting loodsen XYW Amsterdam
2021                 OTHER PHOTOGRAPHIC MATTERS 
1-4 July 2021    Hilton Rotterdam  – Rotterdam Art Week  
2020                 OTHER PHOTOGRAPHIC MATTERS 
6-9 February 2019     Hilton Rotterdam  – Art Rotterdam Week               
2019                  TOBACCO PLAYGROUND – Photography Redefined
15 – 25 August  Tobacco Theater Amsterdam
2019                 WHAT THE PHOTO
7 -18 August    Willem 2 Kunstruimte Den Bosch
2019                  VASTZAND  GAAT LOS              
7-10 February Westersingel 104 Rotterdam pop up Art Rotterdam Week
2018                  VASTZAND                       
14 Februari  opening   Utrecht Central Station – CU2030 billboards on new station square.
 9 – 11 February  Westersingel 104 Rotterdam – pop up during Art Rotterdam Week
2016                  UNFRAMED                 
 27 – 29 May    Roest, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2015                  Afsluiting                       
17 May    Wilhelmina Pakhuis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2015                  Het Oog                         
May – September   Photo Academy Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2014                  Gezien worden             
6 July  at XY, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013                  Series                             
30 June at XY, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2016 – to date Private clients in the Netherlands, Belgium, Mexico, UK, France, USA
    • 2019 Willem 2 Kunstruimte Den Bosch
    • 2016 Irene Heldens Fashion Design, Amsterdam
    • 2016/17/18 IMC weekendschool, Amsterdam
    • 2016 GGD Fryslân regio zuidwest
    • 2015 De Nederlandse Bank  DNB Magazine 
    • 2015 VoorUit Project, VU Amsterdam
    • 2015 Tante Ali buurthuis, Amsterdam
2016                    BA  Photography,  Photo Academy Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1983                    MA Anthropology, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Member of
  • Grafiek Platform 
  • DCP Dutch Contemporary Photography
  • VASTZAND-  visual artists collective
  • Other Photographic Matters – artist group
  • Foundation Loodsen XY  Amsterdam